Welcome to Spirit of Christ Lutheran Church, an ELCA congregation guided by a set of core beliefs that shape our community and inform our faith journey. These beliefs guide us in our mission to love God, love our neighbors, and make a positive impact in the world. Rooted in the teachings of Jesus Christ and the Lutheran tradition, these beliefs serve as the foundation of our worship, outreach, and fellowship.

1. Grace and Love: We believe in the unconditional love and grace of God, as revealed to us through Jesus Christ. We strive to embody this love in our interactions with one another and with the world around us, extending grace and compassion to all.

2. Scripture and Tradition: We value the sacred texts of the Bible and the rich tradition of the Lutheran Church as sources of wisdom and guidance for our faith. We engage with scripture thoughtfully and prayerfully, seeking to understand its message in the context of our lives today.

3. Inclusivity and Diversity: We affirm that all are welcome at Spirit of Christ, regardless of race, ethnicity, gender identity, sexual orientation, or background. We celebrate the diversity of God's creation and strive to create a welcoming and inclusive community for all.

4. Social Justice and Advocacy: We are called to work for justice and equity in our community and beyond, following the example of Jesus Christ who stood with the marginalized and oppressed. We advocate for peace, reconciliation, and the dignity of all people.

5. Outreach and Stewardship: We believe in the importance of serving others with compassion and generosity, recognizing that we are called to be good stewards of the earth and its resources. We seek to care for creation and for one another, sharing our gifts and talents for the common good.

6. Community and Fellowship: We value the power of community and fellowship to support and nurture our faith. We gather together in worship, study, and outreach, building relationships that strengthen us as individuals and as a community of believers.

We invite you to join us on this journey of faith and discovery, as we seek to live out these beliefs in our daily lives and in our shared worship and service.